WWDC 2013: OS X Mavericks (10.9), World’s Most Advanced Operating System

June 13, 2013

WWDC 2013 OS X Mavericks Apple Poster

This WWDC Apple comes with both new OS for its Mobile Device and Macs. New iOS named with extended version number where OS X 10.9 named as Mavericks (I really don’t know meaning of it), it doesn’t named like Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion. Whatever it is about its name, but Mavericks have some interesting and confusing features. But in some cases it worth to have this type of features on a computer.

This time OS X Mavericks introduced with some new apps/usability for Mac like iBooks, Maps, iCloud Keychain, Tags, Multiple Displays etc., Also Calendar, Safari, Notifications, Finder Tabs comes with new advanced facility.


Like iTunes Store & App Store Apple comes with a new store iBooks, over 1.8 million books. Download any book with just few clicks. Books ready to use on iOS devices — turn pages with swipe, zoom in on images with a pinch, or scroll from cover to cover. iCloud Automatically push all your downloaded books to all your devices. Also you can take notes, highlight passages, add bookmarks with your download books on Mac. Also some books have smart image viewing facility. All these books are supported on your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.


This will give you facility to browse world on your desktop. Using this app your will feel very smooth and responsive location browsing than other maps apps. Mail, Contact and Calendar apps integrated with Maps. A 360 Flyover view, Realistic Photos and 3D experience will give you to browse this world.


A new look of calendar introduce with continuous scrolling from top to down. Its not that you can see only one month at a time, but you can see last half of one month and first half of one month at a time. You can see every event with its location on map and direction to it.


Safari in OS X Mavericks gives a clean and pleasant look of top sites. New Nitro Tiered JIT and Fast Start technologies make this Safari more responsive and smoothy to use. Even this one not drain more power than preview version of Safari. Also this time Safari is good with javascript execution.

iCloud Keychain:

Now to make your online profiles more secure we have to give a lengthy password with random letters, number to make more stronger password, which is difficult to remember. If you have hand full of online account then this one will help you to keep all your passwords, card details (except password) with robust AES 256-bit encryption on iCloud Keychain.

Multiple Displays:

This will make your all display as a useful device using this facility of new Mac OS. You can use your every single display as a new display connected to your Mac. Every Display have its own screen, background, dock bar etc. Every Display Screen have its own Mission Control and LaunchPad, you can move any desktop from one screen to another, also you can do this with any windows.


Notification updates about your twitter, apps – now its more interactive like you can reply to message, respond to FaceTime call, delete an email from notification. You can make alert from your favorite website. If you goes away from your mac for sometime than after you will see summary of all missed notifications.

Finder Tabs:

Its one of the best feature on Mavericks which I like very much, this one will keep your desktop screen very clean. Now you can have all your Finder window on a single Finder window with Tab view. You can easily drag and drop files from one tab to another. Also you can make your Finder screen to Fullscreen view.


Its just like Tags on any blog, whenever you save any document just add tags to it then after you can see documents under a tags name. Also this tagging will give more power to search on your Mac. Tags can be used on some Apps and iCloud.

Advanced Technologies:

This one is just like power boost to your Mac device. Many technologies are used which will save power and reduce CPU use. App Nap will reduce CPU use and Power if some window is behind something by napping its operation. Also Safari Power Saver, Compressed Memory, iTunes HD Playback Efficiency will make you Mac more effective and powerful.

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Last Updated On: October 26th, 2013

One Comment

  1. ILoveApple says:

    I can’t wait for mavericks to come out!

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